I guess this is a way of telling people happy birthday.
Cat-O-Blue's back! Again! I made this as a little birthday present for Xanni, because I'm too cheap to buy him anything. I mean, who buys Xanni a present anyway?
I guess this is a way of telling people happy birthday.
Not great
It wasnt great, the animation wasnt great and as usual the graphics were not great, its funny though and you used good music.
yay cat-o-blue does it again
wiow i rally envy that xanni fellow, i wish somebody would send me a cat-o-blue card for my next birthday :,-(.
excellent job, i cant get enough of these. hey where is cat-0-blue 3, 4, 7,... if they were blammed upload them again, you cant do this to the fans
i hope there will be more cat-O-blue in the future
that crazy cat