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L1F3 Shorts ep.3

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L1F3 Shorts ep.3

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I like the ending

What the c**p?!


I liked the Jackson inclusion at the last moment had to be the highlight of this flash and thats not because you did a bad job with the flash if anything it is because you had done such a good job at displaying the boredom that i bought into it and even the changing of images on the blackboard didnt seem to slap me out of it. It was good to see you reuse some characters in this but also keep it new and fresh with the inclusion of a different area and the teacher. Overall the voice acting also seemed to come off as alot better and made for a superb watch.

(Hamy_jamy isn't even suppose to be here today)


In this 3rd installment of the series, while giving a boring lecture to his class, about the amazing story of the vacuum cleaner, a teacher bares his mind to everyone until something big is let out. This would be a very boring and frankly unfunny movie had you kept your eyes shut and not paid attention to the backgrounds. The chalkboard gig was a really funny idea that was done well. There were various visual shots on the backgrounds, some quite nice and in vivid colors while others were basic blacks and grays. The audio was intentionally like this I suppose. Make the teacher sound as dull and inane as possible with the object to make you loose interest. Well, it works plus! :) Also, I noticed that there were some flubs from the teacher that you decided not to fix. It was definately a funny idea with potential to be even more elaborated in future episodes.


Absolutely awesome.

Like a previous user said, humor is what matters. And you did a very good job of this, my main man. Keep up the good work, because this was the funniest thing i've seen on here in a while.

Dont worry about the graphics.


i love when i rate overall something for like 8 or 9 when i rate everything else like 5 or 3.

humor, man, that's what matters. and this was funny as hell.
i can't say that i was suprised by the ending, because i was actually still in shock over the origin of the vacuum cleaner. but it certainly made me say "WTF" again... which i managed to say like half a dozen times during this movie lol.

totally ubah flash. *votes 4*

DrDeath2k3 responds:

Thnx man!

Credits & Info

3.74 / 5.00

Sep 25, 2004
11:49 AM EDT