that was...
it was pretty good for and unfinished flash but it could be alot better.
I havn't finished the flash but when I do I will Update it, but how is it so far?
that was...
it was pretty good for and unfinished flash but it could be alot better.
preety good start
the animation was a little "blocky", although the characters were preety cool. the music you used in the flash fit the story nicely.
not too good not too bad...average.
neads work
This would be great if u poot a little more timeinto it and worked mor on the graphix ;)
yeah yeah yeah big deal
it sucks complete ass. dude at least have the guys kick each others ass. I wanna see somebody cut to pieces or shot full of lead! god i hate flash loops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 but so far so good FINISH THE DAMN THING!!!!!!!!!!1 I WANT DEATH! have a nice day
Pretty good.
My only complaint...No One smokes Winstons anymore...change it to Newports :P