it was trippy
Um, yeah. To the below reviewer, time does exist. Hence the term 'space-time'. They're one and the same. And time travel is theoretically possible. The faster you move, the slower time moves around you.
Now, say we had a spaceship capable at achieving near-light speed. Not quite lightspeed, because at that point, we de-materialize and turn into energy.
But extremely close to lightspeed. Now, since the speed of light is so fast, you'd reach any distance within one year's time, given apt time to accelerate to the speed of light and to slow down. Anywhere in the universe in one year, arriving only seconds apart regardless of the distance - because once the near-light speed is achieved, the distance shrinks to zero almost instantaneously.
If you travel at the speed of light, the universe becomes infinately thin, so a split second would be all it takes to go from one star to the farthest star you can find from it. However, in earth years, it takes time for light to get to point A to point B. If you were a beam of light, it would take no time at all, it's instantaneous, because the universe shrinks infinately thin for you, because time slows down infinately around you, and time and space are the same thing.
Now, consider that you travel 2.2 million lightyears away. You reach that distance in almost one year's time, to you.
However, upon arrival at your destination, every where else in the universe, 2.2 MILLION years have gone by, whereas to you, only one year has passed. By the time you get home, 4.4 million years earth time would have passed. Welcome to the future.
Time travel into the past is also theoretically possible, however MUCH more difficult, and black holes get involved and it gets messy. Basically, you'd have to go faster than the speed of light, and the universe would be reversed, and so would time. Time would go the same for you, because you are travelling in speed, but to everything else that is not, time would be moving in reverse.