muy buena animacion
y la historia me llamo bastante la atencion, exelente trabajo. los dibujos los isiste tu? o como hisiste los efectos?.
en fin te doi 10 por buen trabajo y por q esta en español
muy buena animacion
y la historia me llamo bastante la atencion, exelente trabajo. los dibujos los isiste tu? o como hisiste los efectos?.
en fin te doi 10 por buen trabajo y por q esta en español
I have watched both series, but only after I stumbled across them dureing my usual after voteing treck. A year to late perhaps, but still still it was a pleasure to come across such works. I hope fervently that you have plans for other series as equally compelling as these have been. If any others follow in your footsteps, I hope they can achive what you have done. Despite that the words were in spanish, at least you provided (though badly translated) subtitles so that we could follow along with the story. The endings were nothing short of shocking to say the least. Excellent work, I still have to say.
I would really like to see you put out another series for us man. I love your work although I can't understand it it's cool any way. The animations of the characters are awesome and so was the character drawings. The idea for this flash is great I would like to see either you keep both of your series going or make another series with ten chapters like the rest.
I love Sci-Fi
The graphics were as out of this world as the story. A very professional look with use of multi backgrounds. Simply splindid. The characters were well drawn and the animation from walking to fight scenes was fantastic. You are a great story teller as well. This was a great ideal for a story and I hope you get a book deal from it. A movie deal would be good too. The sound and sound FX and voice actors were superb. The violence was just the right mixture of blood and gore and not over the top like a cheezy horror flick. Good job on the violence. The interactivity was great for a movie. Not much humor to speak of but I don't think it was meant to be a comedy.
I have watched all your movies. They are outstanding. I hope you go as far as you want with your media career.
Can U say "GREAT!!"
those were the most amazing Flash movies I've ever seen. I can't wait to see a next one. Great Job man!. U just keep doing those.