Nice so this is the other version you have here it's pretty impressive but the one with sounds is even better glad you made the one with sound but overall it was notbad
Took me just 1 day to make this one, but it is still fun to play, I'll put some audio eventually. There is a reward if you pass the champion level. For all of u RPG fans:
HP=Health point
P=power of the pike attack
S=idem for strike
W=idem for Wild slam
A= Attack
EH= Enemy healh
EA= Enemy attack (brut)
ED= Enemy damage (how much get to u)
EP= Attack potential
R= Random, wich represnt your result on a d6 dice.
The two warriors are me and my co-ed, shooted this morning!
Nice so this is the other version you have here it's pretty impressive but the one with sounds is even better glad you made the one with sound but overall it was notbad
~X~ gues? -.-
epic huh yup its epic alright....epic failure
this.... -.-
too many problems with it, but you said it only took you a day....
it gets boring very quickly (after about the third attack)
Unimpressively buggy
Not worth your time at all.