hey good animation even tho it was 1 of ur firsts!
p.s is the cactus alight?
p.s.s what do have againsnt salad fingers in salad fingers hunter and u did crap sound on salad fingers 2
So, I was practicing animating stickmen and other frame by frame stuff. I ended up liking it, so I added sounds and music and submitted it for fun.
hey good animation even tho it was 1 of ur firsts!
p.s is the cactus alight?
p.s.s what do have againsnt salad fingers in salad fingers hunter and u did crap sound on salad fingers 2
Very good animation, a lot of detail, but y the hell did he just randomly decide 2 blow up a cactus? lol
Short but sweet
Good job, you paid a lot of attention to detail that others wouldn't in a stick animation.
well it was okay.
At least you tried perfecting it.Unlike all those other fucks on NG that use "Its my first flash" as an excuse to make a shitty entry.MUCH beter than Salad Hunter.
Nice, that cactus never even knew what hit it...
This is another of your works I enjoyed. Just a thought... maybe this electro-stick man can take on the stick man from "Super Stick Fighters". You have some talent, and I hope to see some creative things from you. Take some time with your flashes and I am sure you can come up with something great.