I discovered this years ago when it first came out and it still makes me laugh - I love the distorted audio and the Double Dragon theme. Such bullshit!
this is about my mom's boyfreind mark and something he did...uh oh!
I discovered this years ago when it first came out and it still makes me laugh - I love the distorted audio and the Double Dragon theme. Such bullshit!
__G O O D__
Well, I guess this flash was kind pof funny, and, like the last reviewer wrote, the music went well with this. I liked the music.
__I M P R O V I N G__
Well, the graphics in this flash were really, really bad. Also, it was kind of hard to tell what 'Mark' was saying. Also, this flash was to short, and needs a 'PLAY' button, and a 'REPLAY' button.
Oh dear...
Jesus, your mom's boyfriend has ISSUES. I thought this was funny. The music went nicely with it and uhh.. nice truck. *snicker*
How the ((and i quote:)) "FUCK!!!" did you not get blammed?
That was soooo crapy!
This was...
...really bad.