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Pendleton County High: 3

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Author Comments

My personal favorite of all my pre F.U. work.

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great flash. did anyone notice the shadow moving in the background of the church window when the first church scene started? kinda creepy.

rockymike responds:

I've actually never noticed that before. I'm going to have to check into it.


haha rich stuff. This is my favorite one out of the 4.

rockymike responds:

Mine too.

O___O ...............

O__O ................ -is speechless- That is one of the best flash movies i'v ever seen! And the funniest! :D

((( AWSOME )))

Well notbad, it was awsome work, as it may be old, and im not sure what the sound problem exactly was, it seems fine now, and people still find it now and then, its really good. and should have some sort of an award, very nice work, maybe lower the size abit, anyways great job...


I think it really deserves more recognition

This was really better than the response that it got. In my opinion, you really just needed to work on making the motion tweening smoother, and maybe try improving the drawing style. Only a little bit. Drawing with only the line tool seems to work, and it gives it a crisp, clear, sharp texture.

It's really sad that no one gave this film any attention, because it deserves to be noticed. Your writing is definitely worthy of front page material. I think you only need to make the characters not look so similar, and perhaps improving the sound quality, and getting some real authentic females to do the voices of the females would help out too.

Watch a couple episodes of Tomorrow's Nobodies and take a few notes. You'll be ok.

Credits & Info

3.68 / 5.00

Sep 6, 2004
8:47 AM EDT