you might of work hard nice job
Update (10/05/04): Well, it appears that the Special Editon is scrapped. I have been offered by Maxwashere to make a few combo-flash movies. I will still make a Warhammer movie, but it WILL have a story, and will not be released in October (most likely). Sorry for the major delay. Yell at Maxwashere if you want, he's the official scapegoat.
Finally up! The re-made version of my original Warhammer 40,000 Tribute flash.
you might of work hard nice job
nothing good. just an OK graphics thingy with random Warhammer40k stuff. theres some nice cinamatography but also some really cheesy parts (the tanks blowing up, WTF WAS THAT?)
so just nothing special.
Fan of the hobby I may be, but this seems a poor effort. Poor graphics, strange choice for the soundtrack and it was only vaguely to do with 40k. I mean, I was having a hard time identify half the stuff in there. Try using artwork or models to compare against so you can capture the look better, maybe?
not bad
fuc|{ the guy below me warhammer 40k is awsome but the tribute needs more work.
CrapHammer, -40,000
pretty shitty.