That was awesome!
Original story. It was very funny, And the ending was so funny! Keep up the good work!
Just me playing with my action figures folks.
Enjoy..... :p
That was awesome!
Original story. It was very funny, And the ending was so funny! Keep up the good work!
((( HAHA COOL )))
Haha this was cool, and probably the most original clock movie in a long while, i gave 5 for sound becaus eyour the first i seen actually use real voices instead of that net voice program, anyways also some nice work with somewhat of a story and the music towards the end very good stuff, i was glad to see it, and props tou you for putting some originality into clock flash's...
Ha ha when are the peaple in the white coats coming to take you to the happy house*darkknight thinks the creator is wacked and needs to go to the nut house*
lol. ur not batman.
A few things...
One, what does that have to do with Toy Story and two, How gay can you Clock Crew kids get?
1. They were toys...... Duh!!!
2. How annoying can you homophobic non-flash making reviewers get?
Funny...Good job on the movie