reminds me of pico nice game
Yeah, this is my FIRST flash game what I have ever done. But i'm kinda proud of this :). It isnt even so big so its worth of trying
reminds me of pico nice game
No sound and not 3rd person. I did like combat instinct, so I can relate to why you were inspired to make this, but that doesn't make this any better. It's been done many times before, much better.
LIDDLE racist
because there all black on the next one make it so u can shoot diffrent people
^^Good Points^^
Kind of cool how you got to switch weapons half way through. Broke up the monotony a little bit.
^^Needs Improving^^
Welcome to the world of simple shapes filled with really obvious and overused gradients! Where you can fight the same immobile and non-aggresive characters and watch them animated time after time again, falling to the right while red dots cover their body. I think you can get what I think about the graphics. The gameplay itself is way too straghtforward. You don't have any options of what to do along the way and the continue buttons are completely unnecessary. There is no sound, not even crappy, overused flashkit sound effects!
Well it is your first flash...
Which is probobly why it sucked, but at least you made the effort. Plus you sort of got the terms wrong. This is a FIRST PERSON SHOOTER, not a third person. Third person is when you actually see the character who's shooting (the main character). All the enemies looked pretty much the same and died in the exact same way. Would it kill you to add sound? Does adding a plot sound like a good idea? Or mabye add at least some difficulty to the game.