That was very well done.
I the way this was done. The graphics were very good and so were the voices. I hope you make the next episode soon. Oh, I found the Easter Egg and I was going to e-mail you soon about that. Nice job.
Hey everyone! Clock lovers, Newgrounds viewers! I know you've all been anxious to when the next installment of the BlueCherryClock Show would be out. Well, I finally got around to finishing it, and it's great as ever. You'll see a great improvement near the middle of the movie, where I picked up from where I left off.
Although I started a year ago, the real work it took to make this was approximately about 3-4 weeks maybe. I think this would be my masterpiece, because it is extremely long, but my animation is much smoother and better in my Slipknot Music Video Collab flash.
Anyways, I hope all of my fans out there will enjoy the second episode of the BlueCherry Clock Show! There are a bunch of surprises and stuff in store for you, and I will read and respond to some reviews and e-mails from the last show! I hope you like it, and enjoy teh movie!
- BlueCherryClock
P.S. If you want to be on the show, write an e-mail to me at, or click my author name. The first three people to send me an e-mail with the secret password from an easter egg in the movie will have their mail put on the show. Thanks again for the support!
That was very well done.
I the way this was done. The graphics were very good and so were the voices. I hope you make the next episode soon. Oh, I found the Easter Egg and I was going to e-mail you soon about that. Nice job.
Heheh thanks. I don't think anyone ever bothered to write me. It's weird, this episode was loads better than the last, and it's getting less fanmail, reviews, and score. It was probably the timing.
that is bbbbbbbest
bluecherryclock make more you make the best flash will you put this review in your next one bbbbbbbbbbbb
by robbi1
Mmmm... perhaps.
ur so kool
wow ure clocks r so kool i wish i could be a clock u can make me a clock if u want to but im not forcing u soo can i be a clock plz cuz there soo kool
Hey I'm not the one who makes people clocks. Go to the clock crew website to sign up. You'd be a great VampireClock. Btw, thanks for the review.
love it!!!
i love this of the few clock flashes that i actually have a knack for.....great job and i cant wait to see more of your work in the future....keep up the good worka nd keep your artist skills the same
super l337
Hello I'm dodgeclock. I'm new to the clock crew and was wondering if I could B in the next show. Maybe I could fight chevyclock to the death in a clash of the carclocks.
Thanks for stopping by.
And as for your little proposition... perhaps...