I think there's a better site for Jackass wanabe's
This is a sport me and my friends made up and Then we made an awsome IMovie video of it. Somehow I was able to compress it this far. Sorry we I dont have more footage. Sorry for the quality. Enjoy it its funny.
I think there's a better site for Jackass wanabe's
This might of been fun for you, but to us NG fans we have a higher expectation rate. We want something that actually was made in flash, not just recorded then in flash have some buttons added.
(Go down the hills backward or standing up backwards would of been better)
Dont give the same response as all the other:
"Dude why dont you come over here so i can cut your balls off. It doenst even sound like you need them anyway"
waste of time
That was great. not.
style: what style, it's softcore jackass
sound: i hated it
violence: i gave you two in anticipation that you make another 'tupa' movie, but in your next one, you get run over by a semi trailer at the bottom of the road.
interactivity: the start button was great, where was the "kill everyone" button?
humour: it was absolutely side splitting. especially if you got run over. then your side would have spilt. all over the road in fact.
overall: one. because i dont like giving zeros.
Wow you guys are pussies.
What a pussy ass little "stunt" those were, you guys are fucking amatures. I've done way crazier shit than that, ever tuck-and-roll out of a moving truck? Ever bungie jump (and I don't mean that pussy-ass bungie ride at a state fair)? The worse "biff" you did was fall on your ass from a 5-inch drop. Submit better shit when you get the balls to do it. ..... Now I suppose you are gonna tell me the same thing you told a bunch of other people who were correct about your movie: "I'll cut your nuts off, you don't seem to need them." or your gonna do some gay-ass "Yo momma" shit now, dude cracks about someone's mom is so 3rd grade and so fucking '90's.
I don't understand how this bullshit can get protected? BUT I gave ya a 7 for sound... I like the tune from 1000Krunch tho...