What's the name of the 3rd song?
Okay! Im back with another submission! Fun fun fun! But be for warned that much like my Isamashii game, this was an ARTISTIC EXPEARAMENT! So in other words, this game was made to be made, not made to be played. But it's still fun right? Hopfully. I liked the idea of using colored lines at the time but they over lap according to color and not to chronological order so at times I regreted it >_< Oh and I found out how I could add mutiple audio and such! It was a fun game to make overall. *Sigh* As for the usual disclaimer not another hentai game. Mild lopsided boobage is all this game is has to offer. Okee dokee well I hope you enjoy. Im going to make Dress Ups for the rest of my life though I am planning a few other games. None the less, send me feed back and coments because I allways reply! (Im so nice *Eyeroll*) ^_^ HAVE PHUN!
What's the name of the 3rd song?
would be nice if there was a mute music button, overall good i suppose
Good game, although I heard you can dress her up as Bulma with the thong off, but can't the outfit.
loved the song(*)
Can anyone name the first song? I really like it and i would like to know its name KThxBai