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Claude's Revenge teaser

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This is just a very small teaser of "Claude's Revenge" (working title). It isn't much, its my first really big Flash Project, I am still a beginner I would say and by doing this project I hope to learn from it and be able to produce better looking and higher quality Flash movies.

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((( AWSOME )))

Wow this was cool, started off with great graphics with awsome color and detail, giving it that real scenery like feel, and the music was wicked, abit staticky but still awsome indeed...

The animating was really slow though, you may want to speed it up somewhat, and get to more of the story, dont hold off just get right to it, anyways nice work i would love to see more soon...


not bad...

but not brilliant either. the hands and facial expression could use with ALOT of work. i may sound like a bender on this bit, but the bit that really caught me off guard, and made me think was fuckign amazing, was the tear drop. thats was brilliant bro. nice flash, especially if your a beginner, that would be me after 25 years of drawing school lol.

I liked it and can't wait for the rest.

Your still a beginner and are already making that kind of quality flashes?? Wow... I will have to SERVE you when you become pro... O_O

It was a little boring.

I found that I actually liked the music a lot more than the movie. As a teaser, it seemed to have no "teasing". It was just some guy crying, in a cloak, with one eye.

Next teaser you do, or better yet, next movie you do needs to have more action or drama.

A good try.

I don't know. You obviously worked hard on it, and put a lot of effort into it. It didn't entertain me, though.

Credits & Info

3.38 / 5.00

Sep 2, 2004
12:40 AM EDT