Cool artwork on the guns, but this trailer was very short, nice gun designs, and some glares here and there made everything cool looking, just too short of a trailer though...
ok i know its say's part3 and you havent even seen part 1,2. Which is because i started a series and never released the first two. I was searching around and found this trailer i made.
Thought i would post it here for safe keepings.
if you would like to see this made with better graphics and parts 1,2. Please vote 5.
Cool artwork on the guns, but this trailer was very short, nice gun designs, and some glares here and there made everything cool looking, just too short of a trailer though...
Can't wait till the full length version.
Looks really cool your animation is of nice style and the detail on the guns was amazing. Lets hope to see the full lenth version soon!
Overall: bit short but still deserves 6.5/10
You suck
What a waste of my time, using a short burst of great graphics alongside a song by the band im so fuckin sick of hearing in flash movies that lasts about 15 seconds. Good job.
cant wait for the finished version.
first of for the review below this one. your pretty stupid. first off swat has no control over how dies. they just try not to die. what do you mean they dont alow deaths. "wait stop dont shot, youve already killed 2 of us, we cant alow any more deaths. its are rule. but the animation was good. and the music was pretty cool. but like the stupid one said, you did just kind of stop it. you cant get lazy when it comes to flash.
Looks promising
I think you got kinda lazy and didn't want to finish it, because it kinda just stops. THis is obviously not about swat though because swat aren't allowed casualties and tons of em just die in your movie.