great and one more thing
OUCH! he is going to have a bruise in the morning
NOTICE:Episode 5 is in the making! It's a special edition episode with loads of shorts and outtakes! I redrew the master chief and soon some of the other characters, 3.50+ quality, it'll be out within 2 weeks!
This episode is a fun parody of the Halo 2 trailor from the game :)
In case you have no idea what this is, the trailor I'm talking about is the one where the Master Chief jumps from a ship out in space down to a ship on earth...
Check out the 7th revolution!
great and one more thing
OUCH! he is going to have a bruise in the morning
we arent going to make it, we will make it, fall...........splat. see itold u we werent going to make it u stupid shit!
funny but....
i know this was made 3 years before but...the voices are the same for cheif and cortana in arby n the cheif...kinda weird...but anyway funny
behold the power of the text to speech program.
its funny and one of my favorite x-box games lol!!
it has to be longer for something cool like that but good job anyways man lol!!!
its really funny but so short.
i loved it but its too short.