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Sorry guys about the no sound thing, i'm going to update it as soon as possible :-)
Quite amusing
Well I wanted to wright a review today and I decided to press the random submission button and this came out. I think it was a pretty decent movie. It surely shows some potential. However, I think there are a couple of reasons for the kinda average score (well 2.60 ain't bad, but for this, I think it's kinda average).
First of all, it misses sounds and music. This is really too bad, the score could have been a lot higher if you added that. I see that you wanted to update this as soon as possible, but well, this submission is nearly 1 year old so I don't think you'll ever update this. Second, the movie is kinda short. I think, if you made it a bit longer, it would have been a lot better. You could also add some more short cartoons in one submission. I think that would be the best, cause if you made this longer, it might become boring instead of funny. Be sure to add a menuscreen and all that if you decide to make more short cartoons.
Well I highly doubt that you are going to remake this actually. I see that this is your latest submission and I don't think you'll ever submit anything on Newgrounds again. Too bad, I think you would have made a couple of really good movies. The graphics were very good in this and if someone can draw pretty well, then I think he's capable of making good movies, cause the rest is probably not that diffecult. Anyway, I'd give this movie 5 out of 10, 2 out of 5. It was quite an amusing movie, too bad it was so short and had no sounds. Well good luck with any other things you were planning to make with flash (if you were planning to make anything someday).
mildly amusing dont get ur hopes up pal this isnt a good review
The idea is Stolen from a prevous Movie
sadly it is a better verson... only there is no sound but since you stole the idea why not steal the sound
Needs sound
Needs sound!