this without a doubt in a way, is something without any sense ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
A music video about going from a druggie to a gardener. Be influenced. Don't do drugs.
Let me remind you.. the song is made with a computer voice. That's how the band makes songs. If you bitch and whine about computer voices DONT WATCH, DONT VOTE, DONT REVIEW.
this without a doubt in a way, is something without any sense ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Good one..... :S
WTF? I hope you are unable to speak, move and wheelchair bound soon. Then we can all have a real good laugh.
((( HAHA )))
Well ill admit it was funny and did make me laugh somewhat, the face was funny on the guy but the voice well it was odd, and while you did forwarn me its still strange but all together with the images it was ok i supose, hope to see better stuff soon...
Funny shit
HAHAHAH his face was funny too...his teeth is all fucked up!!
nice work...
Fuck off you Dirty Doushe
k buddie making fun of people for ther differences
making fun of people just because there in a wheel chair and using a crapy song to do it i hope you rot