well i guess this is good....
hello all, and here comes another edition of Code Red Clock shorts! hiddin in this movie, in the credits is a trailer for my upcoming feature movie: Territorial Mis-Judgement. i hope you enjoy these shorts, its a shorter episode, but has some real funny stuff. i had to split 5 + 6 into 2 parts...6 will be out next week (so far over 5 mins long)!
Enjoy and Review!
well i guess this is good....
i dont get it!!!!!!
i never understood what the clock crew realy is. though what i saw was not the best. but a 4 is better than a 1. thats for sure. anyways, happy turky day! the flash was ok, but it needs more work on it. ttfn.
lol that was great
make more clock crew movies.
Oh My God..
You are the king of the clock crew i bow before your godlyness!
in other words u pwonedthe whole world
all hail code red clock!!
I think this one was shorter then the previous 4 :o
Oh well, it was still enjoyable while it lasted.
The preloader on this one was semi-funny, and the filesize is pretty good as well B).
The best part was when Wade said "Josh and Synj make me hot"... then the sex scene was absoloutley hilarious.
The end credits was funny as well B)
it was short, and made quicker, but...i tried haha