nice dat kid got ow3nd hard cya.
I made this over a year ago and jsut thought I should send it...
nice dat kid got ow3nd hard cya.
every review i saw was going... what's the point of this? what was going on? it's from the movie face/off you morons!
face/off is like my 2nd favorite movie... this flash didn't really equal up to it... see they were on the merry-go-round, not standing next to it... and then sean archer (john travolta) picked his son up and then did the whole thing with the hand going over face... then he hugged him... the bullet went into his back and through into his son's head... so that's why i gave you such a bad rating, 'cause the details were all wrong... you should check my face/off club out at Castor Troy's Club in NG BBS...
What was thw whole point of that it was so bad were you trying to be funny or what???
what is it?
i really hope that was meant 2 b comedy, because even tho it would be a crappy comedy it would make a extremely shitty serious movie
Ive seen this before in a movie....
Uh right. Im sorry. If there was actually a story and such maybe it would be good but as i watched it, it seemed like as if it was begging to be shot in the foot, better yet, the head. Give it a story next time.