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Cletus the Fetus ep 40

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Author Comments

This was made for easter but has little to do with easter really but it does have a really coo guest star in it that you'll all know

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Back in the quote un quote normal world of the regular Cletus the Fetus episodes, Batman is introduced to much confusion via the gang. I am not exactly sure if he will be a recurring character, but as long as he is kept weird, secluded, and above all else, funny - then I should be fine. The artwork still needs to be touchged up a bit, with Batman being the only character that seems like it could be finished. Good voices as well, it was ncie to see you are continously adding new voice talents to your arsenal, whether they be permant voice artists are not.



that was funny the opening song was awesome but why did the closing song make me think of Zelda?

brand-new award

award for entrance and exit of a superhero most likely to make you say "what the fuck?" goes to... batman... AH HA!!! ..... i love it


This one was defiantely longer then the others, I liked it because of it, I liked this one a lot. This one was pretty funny, seeing as BATMAN was in it :).
har har har, Nice graphics, animation and sound effects, as always, you need more movies with this lengthiness, maybe even longer... the rest are way too short.

OMG Cletus is THE MAN!

This is some really funny stuff.. I watched this 2 times and after the 2nd time I just started laughing for no reason at all... that never happens ever! Your going on my favorite author list.

Credits & Info

3.55 / 5.00

Aug 17, 2004
1:42 PM EDT