Freaking hilarious
Sorry, this one was on the backburner of my to-be-reviewed pile for the past week and a half.
Anyway, that old dude and his Six Flags commercials at first entertained me and my gf (he looks kinda like Martin Short in one of his wild outfits/facemaskthingies), and then began to irritate us severely (oh, say, the second time it came on). Watching him get what was comin' to him... and then getting a MENTOS ending to boot... soooo brilliant.
Thank you for this wonderful advertisement hybrid. And for letting me know that the Venga Boys are responsible for that horribly insane song. O_o
Oh, and I think the only thing that could make this better is the inclusion of the RICOLAAAAAAA commercial as well. Eh? Eh? #;-}>