A classic soundboard and this one was notbad we do see Alo of these types but I found this one pretty funny so nice job on this soundboard here
Be sure to play all of the sounds cos there some funny ones :p. If the reviews are any good ill make a better one
A classic soundboard and this one was notbad we do see Alo of these types but I found this one pretty funny so nice job on this soundboard here
we meet again..
fucking christ, how many soundboards do you need. hey, let we whoop out my phone and pull off some lame ass pranks towards unsuspecting people. they're sure to be offended with this dumbass 'game'.
Pretty good!
Great soundsboard and great idea!Not too many sounds though,you should add a lot more,keep up the good work!
Have done in version 2
Sound boards aren't too interesting. Not much skill is involved in making one. Maybe make a serious cartoon with animation next time?
No, i wanted to make a soundboard and i did. if you dont like em then go to the 'toons' section on NG. The purpose of a soundboard is for prank calls, and generally, fun. Besides, ive done cartoons too.
An insult for every occasion
Nice one! I know one of those is Rodney Dangerfield....brilliant! The dude is the king of insults - to himself, mostly.
Give us some more!
Thanks. :-)