On to the next fight
UPDATE: since i have had sooo many complaints about the dialogue that i made them stop talking all together. And i also put some backround music ok?!
UPDATE:I forgot to mention! If any of you have any sprite sheets i would really appreciate it. I couldnt find sheets of ultimate X from megaman x6 and u will also be emailed a previewof round 2 ok? Thanx in advance!!!
UPDATE: I need some sounds. do ya know where i can get it
On to the next fight
Megaman vs Sonic
i think it shoulda been a sort of tie,for 3 reasons
1:i dont know much about megaman anymore,so i dont know what he can do
2:i think it was kinda stupid that sonic went regular instead of staying hyper.
3:Sonic shoulda turned into Dark Sonic,enabling him to rip through entire buildings with a fist.
this was VERY good though,even though i have no idea WHY you wont have them talk,cuz i didnt find anything bad and i dont know why anyone else would
Sonic fans who think Megaman is gay, STFU.
Megaman fans who think Sonic is gay, STFU.
They're just characters, it doesn't matter who is better.
sorry 4 the score but,
why didn't megaman shoot, he always uses the sword