This was not bad at all, but it is well animated and even by 2004 there were not so many bad animations stickmans shit!!
*Update* Omg, I don't have any clue why this is running so goddamn slow! Its at 23 frames per second!! Its running at speeds of 5 or 6... I dunno, just imagine it faster. haha. Use a little imagination. And hey, if you did that, you could even imagine that this was actually good. haha. whatever.
Parts of this movie were influenced by Kill Bill (title screen, credits, title music) Feel free to say anything you wish about this. Vote or review with honesty. If it sucks, hey it sucks. If you like it, great. Enjoy.
This was not bad at all, but it is well animated and even by 2004 there were not so many bad animations stickmans shit!!
So many stick movies so little time
W-W-What T-T-The?
I liked the song
I THINK I HAVE SEEN THIS BEFORE. The song was good, but this was the most unoriginal thing i have ever seen.
needs work
yea your right- does look too slow- needs better graphics and more length