Funny and perfect but it needs to be..
more feautures
more dads LOL
David- Hello again It's 10:30 and it's time to party I'm your excellent host David Noel and this as always is Jordan. Party On. It's that time once again for another Webisode Short The Chronicles Of Glendale. Today we get another movie parody. Don't worry though there not all movie parodies. More to come possibly next week with a short entitled "Plumber Chaos" but for today enjoy, The Village. Keep in mind this was made without me actually seeing the movie. Just a little parody of the trailer in movie form and its about a minute shorter than the last one.
Funny and perfect but it needs to be..
more feautures
more dads LOL
The most amusing flash trailer ever!
Fairly funny.
Best part was the very beginning, trying to pronounce M. Night Shyamalan's name.
pretty good
it wasnt as good as i commode. and i dint c the village.
not that good
it could have been better