Tomsplitters from Tomcorp, eh?
A little play on Timesplitters, I presume? #;-}>
A bit laggy right off the bat, but at low qual it was tolerable, I suppose.
Tom, first of all, looks like he'd be at home in one of the latest BEEBO episodes... love the hair and weird look on his face (squinted, glazed eyes... flat lips). Perfect! And when he speaks... heh.
"wow, I must be the first non-Brazillian person to experience time travel."
GOLDEN quote. Just golden.
The LOTR scene was great, too. Especially the "RIIIING!" and Frodo diving after the portal had disappeared. But that little "subliminal" message was unnecessary.
Everything else was a bit of a falloff after that, but the Harry Potter bit was okay (is that Hermione 10 years later and starring on Baywatch or something?). Good credits w/ the polaroids and all.... and um... the really really old Scooby Do joke there, too. #;-}> Love to see more of Tom's adventures through time if you ever make any. Good one!