20 years. I was in high school when this was uploaded.
Things went downhill.
Waterman and the gang find a film reel in the closet from 1926 containing a film entitled Watergent! Enjoy!
This episode has a few tributes, not rip-offs, to Mike and Matt Chapman of Homestar Runner. They helped me get my start by letting me work with them on Homestar and this is my way of thanking them. They loved this episode and I hope you do too!
20 years. I was in high school when this was uploaded.
Things went downhill.
I still remember watching this way back in 2004 when I was a sophomore in high school. My friend and I would quote the "at my house they call that diarrhea" line all the time. Nice nostalgia kick!
This was a very fun cartoon. It was so weird, because this cartoon is pretty child friendly. I should have known you were going for that from the beginning. It's just great to see the characters like this. I know other people have done old timey versions like this. I was afraid it would be silent.
Then again, I don't think there was any sound in 1926. "The Jazz Singer", the first movie with it, was made the following year. Whatever, I shouldn't try to apply much logic to this. I liked how you toned down on the pop culture references. You even make fun of that in the third episode.
worst in the series
graphics for the real video (not the old thing)... 10+!!! I AM SO EXTREME!!!
graphics for the old thing... 0------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT SUCKED M0ORE THAN HEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
overall is...................................
....................... 0--!!!!!!!!!! IT IS POSSIBLY THAT WORST EPISODE IN THE SERIES, AND IN THE ENTIRE LIFE OF NEWGROUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whats the name of the song
the one when there running i wan that song sooooooo bad