good game ps i made jason voorhes
A dress-up doll game with plenty of choice for the user.
I appologise for the graphics style, I was going for a look, and it didn't work that well, but at least I avoided stickmen.
This game is technically at the Beta phase of it's existance, but I'm so sick do death with it now that I doubt I'll do much more to it, I already have a much more impressive project going on.
This movie was basically a learning project for me, I've only really made one sub-par five second long movie before now, and believe it or not before this I knew nothing but the most basic actionscript, now I can happily say I know at least basic scripting.
I know it's stupid to say it and I shouldn't get any leigh-way just because I haven't been doing it for years, but this was only really intended to be seen by a select few people, critisisms are obviously welcome but don't be too harsh with me.
good game ps i made jason voorhes
it's good it's good and it's very apart
just i'm in the good virus i only played good games today.........................
...............like this one
That was awsome!
I made a strange doglike creature...
that game was ok it needed better graphics.it also needed to have more wide arangment of clothes.
I loved it!
I agree with HighCaliberShark, the guy before me. If anyone says this looks like Gollem, FUCK YOU ASSHOLES!!!