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Cannons v.1.2

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Author Comments

**FIXED** I fixed version 1.1 and remade as v.1.2. It works fine, slight differences from 1.0. Still same basic rules dertimine your angle and Shot power and fire away! The differences in this version are... Black cannons, Sonic rolls past (lol, SEGA tribute...), backgrounds has more cactuses+water.

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whats up

whats up with this game you cant even hit the other cannon ive been siting here trying my hardest to hit the other cannon but its not possable to do so and how would wind effect a 50 lb cannon ball if the winds going 21 miles perhour i have seen a cannon ball go against 50 miles perhour winds and it had no effect on the speed or valocity i can see if it was arrows but not cannonballs comeone make it more realistick

nice game!!

awesome game mate!! just like the origional, except really funny! hahaha. it was very enjoyable to play, but i would have liked it if there was a computer you could play against, that would just make it a whole lot funner.
still, you've done very well, as you've included all sorts of things like wind direction and speed, velocity and angle, and it was so simple to use! so well done mate, one great game to play!
overall score: 7.5/10


How dare you blapheme the game gorilla like that. Where are the destructable buildings, and the rawr and the blah! Anyway...
good physics.
pretty cool, try AI and stuf next time.


always shoot with the wind

That ruled.

Its great that you fixed it... now i like it...! P.S Nice Sega tribute i'm a huge fan of sonic myself!

Credits & Info

3.56 / 5.00

Aug 2, 2004
10:45 AM EDT