I almost forgot how hilarious this was
Man, what ever happened to the Pube Muppet anyway?
PNN is back in action. CoderedClock(the maker of the previous PNNs) has given me permission to make the fourth one. Watch as PNN reports on every from a Zelinko interview to a movie review and RICH HOES!!! Enjoy!
I almost forgot how hilarious this was
Man, what ever happened to the Pube Muppet anyway?
i vot fore the pube jaisen (his pubic brother) all vote hore him that sexy beast and i vote 5 fore this move to!^^
how is that stupid sun of b**** that hate pube muppet! DIE!!! ahaha down the window you goo! hahahah napolien is sexy hahaha!
all over the peopel! ahhahah ahhaha ping pong balls, golf balls, snow balls! hahahahahah! VOTE 5 THIS MOVE RULLES!!!!!!!
Best PM Movie
This by far has to be the best Pube Muppet movie in existance. Looks like a good amount of effort was put into it. I particularly enjoyed the Connie Chung comments. And that "Turned On By Napoleon Dynamite" is comedic gold. Thanks :).
Another excellent PM.
As usual, a hilarious compilation of Pubic antics.
Zelinko is a piece of shit
That's right. You heard me. You're corn shit! How dare you turn down a great piece of work? Fuck off and let us be!