You really think by doing this you are better than st3ph3n? If you think, then you are really mistaken...
die you fucker
You really think by doing this you are better than st3ph3n? If you think, then you are really mistaken...
^^Good Points^^
I thought the description was funny. You made this sound like the good kind of tribute, but then the description was a complete turn around.
^^Needs Improving^^
This is really quite poorly made. Your graphics contain text, one image, and one stick figure that you drew. There is hardly any animating, except for the text, which looks pretty un smooth. There was no music or sound effects, which this needs. Not very good.
im sure st3ph3n is lame
but what about that fucker eddie balin!, please burn him with one of your flashes !
St3ph3n is Ki1o.
He gets what he deserves.
what the hell, i'm not to dumb to read, it was funny, although it was a little on the vendictive side