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Imperial Bootcamp II

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-Common! Keep the votes rolling, people!

-Upped the frame-rate a bit so it looks better.

-Watch Imperial Bootcamp First! http://www.newgrounds.co

-Here it is! It's kind of big, because it's almost 5 minutes long. If anyone knows any way to up the quality, and still able to fit, please tell me.


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mesa think thisa good flasha

lol with jar-jar. great flash but graphics need to be worked on.

it's funnier than the last one.

I find this one is a lot better than the original, especially the ending, it's fricken hilarious.

Some Parts Great, Some Parts Mediocre

If everything in this movie was just carefully planned and coordinated right then it could have been a great movie. There was some really funny stuff in this and there was some really stupid stuff as well. Got kind of dark near the end. Work on fixing that.

very funny!

You should make it more like Republic Commando. The dumb guards mademe remeber Jedi Knight series!

Well Done

I am not a fan of starwars itself but man do I have to give you credit for all the time you must have put into it. Its just like making a clay you have to make every movement. The graphics were well done I think you did the best you can with that very cool style. You could have just done a simple animation with the same idea but using actual toys thats just crazy. The sound was the poor thing about it out of all of the categories. The voices were to low and some parts of the flash I couldn't hear what the characters were saying. I did like that one darth vader guys voice the whole drill sergeant voice that was very funny. I give you props for all the work you did.

OVerall: Nice Work 9

Credits & Info

3.71 / 5.00

Jul 28, 2004
4:25 PM EDT