too easy
make things pop up on the screen to distract us! like uhhhh... watch hbo's crashbox (distraction news)... and yes i am 15 yet i watch cartoons -.-
Please review!
too easy
make things pop up on the screen to distract us! like uhhhh... watch hbo's crashbox (distraction news)... and yes i am 15 yet i watch cartoons -.-
Ahh the classic memory test game, remidns me of the old 'Concentration', and simplistic though it is I still dearly love it today :)
Graphics of the blocks used were nice and the little pictures were nice and fun and happy to look at, the game was generally cheerful and challenging all the while. Only suggestions are:
1) To add music- for the ultimate distration! This is what makes all memory test games.
2) You sohuld be able to pick what theme you want, for example if you choose something like animals you get to math animal pictures together, while with plants you would match up plant pictures. Surprisingly, this does help because it matches to each player's style.
3)Make it more intense! Have a time bar at the bottom with crazy music and when the time is nearly running out have the music going much faster and rapid, and make it count down '5, 4, 3, 2, 1!' slowly and in flashing red numbers and make the whole thing explode when you lose! You could also add bonuses for a quicker time to match all the picutres and lose points for matching the wrong pictures. Maybe you oculd also have hidden within the blocks a pair or bad symbols, and if you touch these the game is over?
All in all though a genuinly fun game, well done :)
found a bug
I playeda few tiems getting 200 points the first few times the 4th time I played I had one match to go then one of cards that I had already matched turned over and I matched the last one and got 10 points. Other than that this is a good game. It is fun for a while.
I noticed there tend to be some patterns, maybea bit more randomness with where the cards end up.
Thanks for the review. I don't know why that glitch happened, though. o_O
Sheesh! You could play this game with 2 packs of cards! It sucks alot! Besides, i have short term memory loss and even to me this game is just too easy! People don't like these kinds of games, ya know! Theyre easy, boring, and just plain weird! Playing with your baby brothers blocks even if he doesnt want you to and you get in a fight is better than this game! You lose the way of making a good game! Play the other games, youll learn that people dont care about theyre memory, they care to play a fun game thats not to hard and not to easy or boring or weird! You need to learn!
exactly as DaRKMasTEr666 said