something WAS missing,
and I'm not too up on this but I'm pretty sure it was talent. Y'see, it works like this:
1. Do not, i repeat DO NOT, make a tutorial about tutorials, because thats pretty much what dos and don'ts are, tutorials
2. So you don't like mario parodies, thats ok niether do I, and you know what i do? i don't watch them, problem solved.
(Plus, Flash animations cannot die, considering they were never alive)
3. as for foamy, i like him but sinse you don't refer to above.
4. Making a movie about how much other movies sucks is not cool, people put time and effort into their works, and the results show.
As for this, I'm pretty sure most of the reviews say it all, this movie is subpar at best, please, PLEASE stop doing flashes.