Sgitterent!! - Excellent!!
Ik von um sgitterent, t mag gezegt worde :D
I thought it was great, it can be said :D
Goeie humor whahaha
Great humor whahaha
My 44th movie.
Translation = The Black Knight.
I worked hard on this I hope you enjoy it and leave reviews.
Sgitterent!! - Excellent!!
Ik von um sgitterent, t mag gezegt worde :D
I thought it was great, it can be said :D
Goeie humor whahaha
Great humor whahaha
strange, but funny =S
for the dude below me
It about the black knight,riding his bike,then he crashed into some lady,who made a fall,but he didn't give a crap,he even thought it was cool.
That's about it.
If you listen carefully,you can hear him sing it. Don't really know what to think of this stuff.
wallpaperthing, you Belgian or a Cheesehead?
im belgian duh
they just explode... that was funny. What does it say at the end?
dutch stuff
Vette shit ^_^
ey man ik weet dat je een nederlandse film wel leuker vind maar doe hem of helemaal nederlands en zeg dan engelse kijk niet of elemaal engels anders snap je sommige delen niet van de film (vette shit ga zo door)
(dutch comment)