Retarded kid sports was great but this is baad
I like ninjas, I have the game for PSOne called Tenchu I and II, live by honor, kill by stealth, I know a lot 'bout them, this is a dishonour for them, make something better next time.
This is a cartoon about a ninja getting a briefcase for what it contains. this cartoon will change your life...probably not for the better. theres a quick little song at the end youll sing for days. This is my first newgrounds submission. i wanted to wait until i had a website and now that i have one i hope you enjoy this cartoon.
visit my site for more cartoons.
Retarded kid sports was great but this is baad
I like ninjas, I have the game for PSOne called Tenchu I and II, live by honor, kill by stealth, I know a lot 'bout them, this is a dishonour for them, make something better next time.
lol this one is kinda funny dude did u realy have to put a nasty ass with a tampon stuck in it at the end tho
Heh ok this was funyy enough to give me a few chuckles, the characters were ok, but could have used better animating with more smoothness to the flash, audio seemed abit low, but not a real big deal...
The characters could use more detailing, as for the plot it was sorta funny could use more though, so notbad at all...
Poor graphics other than the first scene, and the sound is just.. the sort of thing that annoys the hell out of you.
stupid and retarDed
this is a frigging stupid movie,
I did get a laugh though,
but it came from reading the reveiws.
and if you say the word right, then it does sound like (re-TAR-ded)