Strongly recommended you see the original first!!!!!
It can be found here; http://www.newgrounds.co
The result of a boring afternoon, too much caffiene, and a quick viewing of our Newgrounds favourite...lead to us doing this...
This is our homage to one of the greatest flash animations of all time, originally submitted by Dave Teatro, Bananaphone has continued to amuse us no matter how many times we see it, and has provided us with timeless quotes such as 'oh...OH...you threw that remote pretty hard...pretty fucking hard man'. So this is our tribute to it.
The animation is really good and realistic
Very hilarious indeed. Really liked the idea too, but if you're gonna say that this video is E Rated, can you like, not freaking cuss? I was literally watching this video in a school library with no headphones and I got a whole lot of stares right after you said fuck
That was pretty funny. I think if you acted more...um....normal, it would be funny. Just be yourself on camera. You just looked a little stressed and you acting looked a tad forced. Just ignore the camera and you'll be fine.
Good job though, great idea, just try and improve you acting skills a tad more.
~Hudson Platt
Good Idea
That was pretty cool, very creative idea you had there...would like to see it on youtube so it could be at a better video quality. Nice idea though kick ass!!!!