This episode is called "Oedipus Pres"... it's the second of a series called "White House Rats" that will run through till the election.
I'm making it at www.Toonex.org. What we're trying to do is create a site where people can collaborate on making flash movies. Check it out.
That George Dubya......
The words that come out of that man's mouth never fail to amaze me.Heres a good example: "We have a saying in texas and it goes fool me once shame on you fool me twice well....you ain't gonna fool me again."
"The campaign slogan will be: Senior for a better world!"
HAHAHA! I'd hate to be Bush when someone pretends to be MY dad..
Migerst: "I can't see ya pop!" He is too stupid....! LOLROFL!
-Drago and Migerst
not too bad
That was pretty funny, the animation was generally good exceot for the way bush looked lol
not as good as gb show though!