...nothing to say. have a good life :P
This is my first flash. took me a while but hey is not a stick figure. =)
...nothing to say. have a good life :P
you suck
listen, You made a good flash, no doubt about it, animation was smooth and music fit it well, but the point, the them, the plot, whatever you want to call it, sucked ass. Video Games are my life (i use that term lightly) and never once have I taken a loss so heavily, nor have I suffered an injury from a video game or its controller... So, you suck monkey... And if you have a problem with my comment, don't submit anything to newgrounds again, if you can't take harsh critisism them you don't deserve to make flash.
Boring, Crap, Very Bad, I can go on...
Kinda preaching to wrong, ya know. Kinda like sending missionaries to a synagog, you ain't gonna convince anyone here of your plight. Ya know, if this counrty (VG bashing is most rampant in the US) would stop lookinc for a scapegoat everytime a parent doesn't do their job, we probably wouldn't have half the problem we have today. Stop looking to blam faceless ideals for your own errors. Get a life.
hmmm...HMM...let me see...wat to say to this idiot..ok first of all i dont care about ur problems, this animation is just a dam animation NOT REAL. if it really got you all emotional.well, nothing personal. o and i have a great life just worry about ur own life seems your having trouble with it YA know. buh bye ;)
pretty good
not bad for your first flash. The graphics were excellent. Took it a bit too far with the anti-gaming message though.
Pretty Lame
Sorry dude didnt really appeal to me. Ur got talent.....just dont waste it