a pongo is a pongo pongo 100% pongo the world must be better with pongo pongo pongo pongo needs more pongo pongo pongo theres always more with pongo
a pongo is just a pongo a pongo is just a pongo a pongo is just a pongo a pongo is just a pongo a pongo is just a pongo a pongo is just a pongo a pongo is just a pongo a pongo is just a pongo a pongo is just a pongo a pongo is just a pongo a pongo is just a pongo a pongo is just a pongo a pongo is just a pongo a pongo is just a pongo a pongo is just a pongo a pongo is just a pongo a pongo is just a pongo a pongo is just a pongo a pongo is just a pongo a pongo is just a pongo a pongo is just a pongo
dont forgot this:
a pongo is just a pongo
clay movie
a pongo is a pongo pongo 100% pongo the world must be better with pongo pongo pongo pongo needs more pongo pongo pongo theres always more with pongo
Without pongoes...
...what would we liken pongoes to? Try to experiment with claymation, because the claymation segments in this video was pretty good! If you submitted a purely claymation flash, id bet you would recieve overall better reviews.
pretty cool
lol, a pongo is indeed just a pongo, but he can make soem pretty cool flash cartoons. Again, I can pretty much say now that I like your claymation more than your stick movies. Not sure if it's becasue these are longer or if they're better made though. This was really cool to watch, even though pongo wasn't in it was often as he could've been. This was still an enjkoyable claymation though.
Wow! I really loved the way the you do the clay men, seeing that you actually put some time into it, unlike a certain somebody whos over-rated.
There's lots of good ness here, nice job!
Wow, that was a really awesome flash dude, i loved the way the you do the clay figures you actually put time into it, and if you dont it sure does look like it compared to the other ones i have seen, and you have a decent webcam or digital cam to photograph them nice resolution i can acctually see detail in the clay very good stuff, and it was good music