Ice Baby
Haha comon you could have used something other then vanilla ice haha, the rest was cool though, the guts came apart is a few good spreads, and it had good aimer view, notbad at all I like the shoot the target style here
When I submitted version 2.1 alot of people said that it needed music, so I added Vannila Ice to it. It dosn't really suit it but it ads a bit of comedy to it.
shoot as many limbs and heads and torsos as possible, one point for each. 30 second time limit.
Ice Baby
Haha comon you could have used something other then vanilla ice haha, the rest was cool though, the guts came apart is a few good spreads, and it had good aimer view, notbad at all I like the shoot the target style here
A very basic shoot the target flash. You could add more different levels and make a true ending. Adding Vanila Ice was just silly.
I didn't for this that much. The best part about it is probably how simple it is to understand. It's strange, because that's also a reason why it isn't that good. There is just so little variety in this. You don't get a sense of going on to do different things. Of course, I'm not going to blame this for failing to be something it wasn't trying to.
There could have been some music. You should have made it so that there were more ways to shoot the zombies. There were just two spots for them to be injured. On the plus side, they were injured very badly in those areas. You need more of a challenge.
ill give it three stars not bad but the game has no story to it
Not bad!
It was pretty fun, just a little thing practice shooting. Nothing more. Keep up the good work!