Wheres my storyline?
Could use an ending
2 weeks at stanford instructioning me, 1 day of work, 2 days of rendering on dual-processor G5s
Wheres my storyline?
Could use an ending
(title in work)
It was neat to see a 3D rendered movie, definitely something not on NG too much. The music went well with what was going on in the movie as well. However, it's a bit short and doesn't have much going on. I don't know what I expected from the title, since that was certainly delivered, but still, it could have used some storyline at least. The ending was very abrupt.
what did u use?
Cinema4D XL bundle, I think version 8.5. it was a while ago
Could use work
Not bad
I am also into a multimedia program, over at an ITT institute.