Wow, that was crappy!
Ok, sound, again, is great. However, there was no story or humor whatsoever, besides the fact that it's racist in assuming all Arabs wear turbans and are terrorists. Wow, that awas really crappy.
Vote SS 2008...and that isn't a Nazi joke. Arnold and Sylvester are running for 2008, this is their commercial.
Wow, that was crappy!
Ok, sound, again, is great. However, there was no story or humor whatsoever, besides the fact that it's racist in assuming all Arabs wear turbans and are terrorists. Wow, that awas really crappy.
The effects were awsome, like the clouds and the moon, very good detail, the joke was funny and made me laugh, awsome graphics thoughm you should make a movie movie it would for sure pay off with that awsome art style...
Much <3 man. I might eventually.
That was pretty bad. It had no plot to it. Now, Flashes with no plots to them are ok, but they have to be cool, or funny, which this one lacks. You've got some skill though, so if you make something with a story, you should get nice reviews :)
Pretty good except arnold can't run, he's not from the United States.
Lots of potential... but no follow-through
Good idea, nice graphics, ok/whatever sound, but the whole thing kinda seemed like it was leading to something that never happened... like for instance, Arnold or Stallone actually showing their faces. Sitting there that long and watching some arabian dude walk for about a minute to his target is like watching paint dry in Flash world.
Ha ha, I'm just lazy. I might revamp it some day