Am I the only confused one?
This is episode one of Double Crossed. It is a joint project between Shawn Darnell and Nathan Sizemore... This is DC : Haziq, created by Nathan Sizemore. DC : Indra, will soon be released by Shawn Darnell under this same username. The stories meld together and eventually all will be revealed. Enjoy the movie, vote fair.. And leave a review.
Am I the only confused one?
not bad at all3
I think that last guy was just being a douche bag... I thought it was pretty good. These aren't exactly my favorite style of flash but they still have their merritt.
Wat the hell another stick fight enough already no one likes them just stop making them ,and if u r gonna make 1 make it good that sucked!
I dont understand..............
dude if at first you do not suceed try try again