awsome .. very original
Zoom in if you can't read it! If you like this, visit Random Ravings #2! (#3 will eventually be made)
awsome .. very original
I love warcraft 3 and this was pretty funny. I dont go online much anymore cause iv been on newgrounds alot. My account name is Sae_Dark_Worm.
There are a few probs with the comic though. This woulda been higher rating but i really couldnt read the text.
you gotta make the font size bigger or into a more readable font style. I dont really want to have to zoom in on the text...
It's just a comic!
I dont know whats wrong with the review before me.
"Where on the rules on the portal does it say post cartoons ? as a movie" -Darklilangel23
This user clearly does not have a clue what StupidAnimator is trying to do. I think this darklilangel hasnt even tried watching/reading the whole thing...
Attenion author why dont u read the rules
Where on the rules on the portal does it say post cartoons ? as a movie
now if u added music to this and added some fun icons and easter eggs this couldve been an intresting interactive game
but u choose to have it a movie?
what is wrong with you that u cant seem to think
the graphics are well below the standard we demand here at newgrounds
no music no sound wtf are you serious???
for your next attempt try at least can u manage that?