Gotta love the early 3D flash aniamtion
< February 05> Keeping the Cartoony Graphics, I did some of the game with properly rendered 3D graphics and the SWF file was huge! Dan.
this is a DEMO of a game I am currently working on called Star Trek Wolf 359. If your a Star Trek fan like me :-) then you'll know what this is about. If you dont like star trek please play it, you might like it, it contains lots of 3D stuff, anywayz enjoy! The full game will probably be ready in a few months, thanks, Salter out
Gotta love the early 3D flash aniamtion
I loved it!
Even though it wasn't finished it showed great potential. I made a short wolf 359 animation last year
I don't know..
I don't know if you plan on finishing this or not, I'd like to play the full version, hopefully it's a little cleaner. I don't know what to rate this... umm... in all honesty, this should be removed until it's completed, a 2 second demo is hardly worth the bandwidth.
cant wait till the full version comes out
I cant wait till the full one comes out. It's gonna be class
whens the full version gonna be out and were can I check on progress from? It looks REALLY good.