I love John Edwards, i dont care if he's gay or had an affair lol
kerry is boring but this was hilarious
Just playing around with some found imagery on the web. Democrats responding to this post, please realize this is done in fun for a laugh. View with a sense of humor. Enjoy!
I love John Edwards, i dont care if he's gay or had an affair lol
kerry is boring but this was hilarious
That was very funny. I think it would be even better if you animated Kerry and Edwards but still very good.
And do NOT make a Bush + Cheney one. Democrats suck.
GO BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heh that was freakin hilarious
i agree with arej00serious. same comment is stated. democrats suck! l8er suckaas!
I am a life long democrat, but this is the funniest flash since Jib Jab. It has crossed my mind that they are/were gay, but I voted for them anyway. Make a Bush + Cheney one!
yay lets all watch gay people!
im sure u can do better nice tv though